About Us

Who Are We?

Here at Hart Events we are multi-generational trade show promoters! Our staff is full of heavy hitters including Russell Carhart, whom many of you know from his last 12 years as a partner in Eons Expos. Joined by his wife, son, and daughter-in-law, Hart ...

Hey, They Look Familiar!

You're right! Russell was instrumental in the creation of the New Jersey Show, Denver Show, and the 22nd Street Show in Tucson. Missy, his wife, has been involved in those shows for the past 12 years. Christopher has been apart of the shows for the last ...

The Staff

Russell Carhart (Owner) is a former partner in Eons Expos. With 12+ years experience, the sky is the limit! Russell likes to spend his time doing projects around the house, going to see the sights with his wife, and managing his other companies.

Missy ...